You could say that my story started over 70 years ago before I was born! It began with my mother as a 17 years old girl in her village and was touted to be the first policewoman in Tobago. Unfortunately her father decided against this and suggested that she should become a seamstress or Typist. So angry was my mother, that not long after she met my father and the rest is history. Fast forward 40 years later and I am now that 17 year old who has dreams to go to 6th form ad then university. Instead my male principal offered me a teaching role in my secondary school and my father quickly supported this. I on the other hand had no interest in doing accepting this offer. I was lucky that my mother fought my corner and persuaded my father to allow me to follow my dreams. The common denominator here in my mother and my story is that we both were in a culture at the time where men made the decisions. Even though a lot have changed in my culture and worldwide for man women, sadly we still see evidence of misogyny in may organisations.

My current passion is to have conversations with women in different spaces. I want to create a community for us whereby we can have conversations about topics that directly affect us. That means women who have been othered because of your race, neurodiversity conditions, mental health and so on. These have been my own story and I know how difficult its been to be well and stay engaged in everyday living while having to deal with discrimination, rejection, isolation.

I am an Executive Professional Coach, Systemic Psychotherapist, Supervisor, Trainer and Author. My passion is helping women to work in alignment with their values, by supporting, inspiring and empowering them to lead with their hearts while living healthier, happier lives. I have a background in Mental Health Nursing, Psychology, Systemic Psychotherapy and Coaching. I have worked for most of my career in the field of mental health in clinical, leadership and training roles in the NHS, as well as Social services, Education. Seven years ago I started my company providing psychotherapy, consultancy, coaching, training and training. Aside from my working life, I enjoys wild sea swimming, pilates, walking, dancing, djembe drumming and writing. My first book “Bringing Your Heart To Work: A Seven Step Journey to mental health and wellbeing” is soon to be published by Karnac Books. This book captures my style of working and focuses on The Seven Step model approach that I use in my work.


  • Accredited Professional Executive Coach

  • RMN (not practicing), BSC Hons Psychology, MSc Accredited Systemic Psychotherapy

  • Post Grad Diploma Performance Coaching

  • Post Grad Diploma Systemic Supervision 

  • 360 Feedback model 

  • Anthony Robbins Master University 

  • Discovering Leadership in Organisations- Group Relations- Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust 


Consultant to Social Care, Education & NHS- 1999 to current

Executive Coach/Career Coach- NHS East of England-2010-2015

Career Coach, Executive Coach, Life Coach North Essex Partnership Foundation Trust 2010-17 

Systemic Supervisor-Various NHS and Social care 2009-current (Individual and Group) 

Leadership Coach- Frontline Organisation 2015-current 

Executive/Leadership Coach - Hackney Social Services 2018

Individual, Couples and Family Therapy (over 26 years Public and Private sector)

Training- Various e.g Systems Training, Parental Mental illness (1999-current

Lead Tutor Centre for Systemic Social Work 2019 - Current